Wandering and Wondering
…a blog
By Drayton Riley
The Latest Posts…
Champagne Spoiled
Sometimes things happen that you can’t forget. Sometimes you don’t want to forget.
Make It Personal
I asked Michael what he would tell someone who asked him how to make a difference. “Make it personal,” he said.
Thanks For Asking
Both me and T.J. shared both sides of the equation in a blended reality. T.J., thanks for asking.
Why A Blog?
It’s important to me to know why I want to share a blog. I’ve thought about it a great deal, and I’ve synthesized my why down to two intentions.
First, I believe there are many people in this world who are inherently communal, who see themselves as being part of the world rather than apart from the world, and who prefer being of service rather than being served. I don’t think this is a rarity, but by nature, these people are humble, and the difference they make is for its own sake, not for the sake of achievement, success, or a grand purpose, and certainly not for celebrity. They don’t see themselves as a role model; they resist any such symbol attributed to their persona. They are comfortable in their own skin and see freedom in their intrinsic good nature. I keep an eye out for such people, who I find hidden in plain sight. And, I hope to narrate their stories as a contribution to you, who, like me, live in a troubled, disordered world so thirsty for meaning.
My second intention is to share my own stories that reveal in uncommon moments, realizations and understandings about my own life experiences. The death of my beloved wife, Alberta, in 2019 left me bereft, and in that vacuum, I chose to find a new pathway for the remainder of my years. I have re-fashioned my life to be simpler and less complicated. One of my favorite quotes is attributed to James Finley: “If you’re not careful, you can start to feel you’re skimming over the surface of the depths of your own life.” I aim to mine those depths, and I attribute many insightful memories to long walks, long drives, and my daily “sit” in a room where I live, dedicated to meditation and reading. Putting written words to my own introspections, it is my intention to share contextual insights I hope resonate with you.
In my writing, it is not my intention to tell you what to think, believe, or conclude. I try to fashion my narratives to allow the story to create whatever meaning it may yield.
~Drayton Riley